Come and join us as we grow our IEA Dressage Teams for Middle School and High School. At TREC – we believe that a strong foundation in Dressage builds the skills all riders need to excel in any riding discipline. Dressage (“Training “ in French) fosters connection, communication and control between the riding and the horse. We are proud of our riders and their accomplishments in our first year and look forward to seeing where we go in the future.
2022 Results –
- Upper School Team: 2 Reserve Champions at qualifying shows and third place at Regionals
- Middle School Team: 2 Grand Champions and 2 Reserve Champions at qualifying show and Grand Champions at Regionals
- Ninth at Nationals representing Region 3 (Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina.) - Lilia Rogers, Addie Reed, Amani Almagro, Sophia McCarthy, Chloe Pleune
- Sophia McCarthy, Sofia Dalton, Aubrey Ganoe, Amani Almagro, Chloe Pleune, Addie Reed, Lilia Rogers – Qualified for Regionals as Individuals for our lower school team.
- Sophia Braun and Gretchen Wolfe qualified for Regionals as individuals for our Upper School Team
- Lilia Rogers – 9th at Nationals WTC Individual representing Region 3
- Gretchen Wolfe and Sophia Braun- Recipients of the Sportsmanship Awards awarded at each show making them eligible for scholarships in the future at Nationals qualifying as an Individual at Regionals in Beginner WTC Dressage Seat Equitation.
- Lilia Rogers – 2nd in USPC Horsemanship competition
- Multiple Ribbons for our 6 TREC horses including 4 first places – Dandy, Brisk, Irish, Lucy, Royal and Teddy – participated as draw horses for many riders from around the country for Nationals at the 2022 Competition in Pennsylvania
An Information/planning meeting will be scheduled for the end of June. All are invited to find out more.